Important Announcements
We just upgraded our website with all new photos and a video tour!
Click Here to Watch a Video of Queens Park: Video Tour
RESIDENTS: Please pick up your pet waste! Please DO NOT throw your waste bags down the sewer drains in the streets! Whatever you throw down them ends up in our lakes. Also, DO NOT throw waste bags in another person's trash can, take it home and throw it in your own trash receptacle! Please respect your neighbors, the health of our community and our beautiful lakes. Thank You!
Your Board is interested in You. The links or information below address our safety or well being.

As part of our Neighborhood Watch Program we post this important bulletin:
It has come to our attention that Identity Theft has occurred in the Area whereby residents place their outgoing mail in their mailboxes with the flag up and Identity Thieves come and take it utilizing the information and documents to cause Identity Theft.
We recommend that all residents go to the Post Office directly and drop off there outgoing mail in the future.
In addition, if you see any Non Postal Employee going into a neighbor's mailbox please call the sheriff's office immediately.
Thank you!
Your Queens Park Board
Alligator Safety
Protect Yourself in Florida Waters
Population growth and the tourism industry have increased the frequency of human-alligator interactions in Florida. You can prevent unpleasant encounters by following our tips.
Facts & Safety Tips
· Leave alligators alone. Alligators are shy animals that usually avoid human contact.
· Pay attention. Keep an eye on your surroundings near fresh or brackish waters.
· Avoid vegetation-filled areas of rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water.
· Do not feed alligators, they will come to associate humans with food and lose their natural fear.
· Throw fish scraps into trash cans only.
· Never allow small children to play unattended near water.
· Watch your pets. Dogs resemble natural prey & are in more danger from alligators than humans.
· You are more likely to be struck by lightning than attacked by an alligator in Florida.
· It is illegal to kill or harass alligators. Alligators may only be harvested under special licenses/permits.
· If you see a nuisance alligator, please contact our Trapper Ray: 239-410-2408 or
Python Report

There is a report by a homeowner that a baby Python was discovered on her property in Queens Park. We had an very informative presentation by Kenne Helm, Python Trapper, at our July BOD meeting. He has not personally seen any pythons & has done several home inspections in the neighborhood. If you see a python, please call him immediately and try and get a photo of the snake if possible. He will remove any pythons at NO COST. 239-919-6438. He offers services for others wildlife issues so please check out his website: TRAPPERHELM.COM
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